Life is a Highway

Life is a Highway
Source: YouTube

Monday 20 August 2012

ABC Evening News: ‘A Few Days Before The 1972 Democratic Convention’

Source:ABC News- covering the 1972 Democratic National Convention, in Miami Florida.

“In this rare clip from 1972, George Wallace campaigns for the first time since he was shot, Ed Muskie was considered a mystery, and the National Guard is called in to stop riots.

Also talked about is the trial of the man who shot Wallace, and some Vietnam news.” 

From Efan 

Here’s a reason to watch ABC Now if you are a political junky.

There was simply no way that the Democratic Party was going to win the 1972 presidential election. Even if you could get past the facts that President Richard Nixon was ending the Vietnam War, that his policies to talk too and work with Russia and China were paying off and that the American economy was still relatively healthy. But the state of the Democratic Party was the main issues for Democrats in 72.

The emerging that I at least would call Socialist New-Left that backed Senator George McGovern for president who went out his way to have this fringe political faction behind him, combined with what was left of the Southern right-wing base in the party that backed Governor George Wallace, and the traditional New Deal/Great Society progressive coalition that was behind Senator Hubert Humphrey, gave the Democratic Party that was only willing to vote for their preferred candidate for President and no one else.

Democrats and Senator George McGovern were so desperate to get attention and support behind their campaign that they tried to make Watergate an issue in the summer and fall of 72. Even though most of the country hadn’t even heard of the Watergate Hotel yet, let alone the burglary there.

Landslides tend to happen at least at the presidential level when you have a fairly popular president which is what Richard Nixon was for most of 1972, with a large percentage of the country believing things are going well, facing a divided opposition party like the Democratic Party in 72. That couldn’t decide who their presidential nominee was going to be and which faction of the party would get it until they got to the convention itself. Opposition parties need to be united behind a leader in order to defeat the President of the United States. Which is not what the Democrats were in 72. 

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You can also see this post at FreeState MD, on WordPress. 

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Salon: Erik Nelson- ‘Breaking Bad: Mike Blows it’

Source:Salon Magazine- Bryan Crantson as Walter White.

“In which Our Hero speeds by the Last Exit on the Highway To Hell, and we learn a new reason for his haste in passing.

Vince Gilligan has admitted that he and his writers view writing “Breaking Bad” as a game of Vulcan three-dimensional chess. If so, last week’s “Dead Freight” was a sacrifice move, that allowed all of the pieces to arrange on that game board in precisely the right fashion. Make no mistake. The precision and plotting of “Buy-Out” redeems the excesses of “Dead Freight,” and (almost) makes that last move worthwhile. Last week’s overblown heist plot turns in on itself in “Buy-Out.” Something is not pulled off, but rather, an attempt is made to pull out, in this case, via a brilliant exit strategy that would clearly allow all of our players to escape with their lives and a nice pocket o’ change. What could possibly go wrong? Of course.” 

“A fan made Movie style trailer for season 1 of AMC’s Breaking Bad.” 

Source:Trailer Blend- Bryan Cranston as Walter White.

From Trailer Blend 

Breaking Bad is a show that I can watch from time to time. I’l catch a marathon of it on AMC (when I’m up very late, can’t sleep, and have nothing else to do) but then I’l go months without watching it, because I get my fill from it after a few episodes. It’s sort of like that great Hitchcock or Bond movie that you see where you are given so much to take in at once and then you just don’t need it for a while. The writers, producers, and cast of this show, really know how to satisfy their audience and fill up their brains leaving them wanting no more, at least for a while. 

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You can also see this post at FreeState MD, on WordPress.